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Our kitchen

First choice ingredients and quality products

Our cuisine is the pride of the Hotel Germania in Bibione.

Lunch and dinner always offer the choice between four first and four second courses of your choice with excellent meat or fish dishes, as well as a rich and varied buffet of appetizers and side dishes, fresh or cooked vegetables, different every day.
Our cuisine boasts decades of history and tradition, simple dishes of sea and land that for years reflects our passion and mastery, transforming even simple raw materials into delicious dishes.

Bibione ristorante hotel Germania 3 stelle superior
Bibione vacanze bambini hotel Germania

A cuisine that satisfies everyone's palates

Also available for the little ones...

A holiday must be family-friendly, especially when you have small children who rightly have their needs. For this reason, the kitchen of the Hotel Germania in Bibione is also at your complete disposal to propose special menus for our younger guests.
Our cooks will always be attentive and ready to satisfy even your children, offering simple but genuine and tasty dishes: from baby food to vegetable broth, from cutlet with chips to chicken nuggets .... and you can already see the their smile!

+ Info

Una cucina attenta alle esigenze di tutti

Piatti senza glutine, intolleranze alimentari...

La nostra ospitalità fa sì che siamo sempre a disposizione dei nostri ospiti per la preparazione di piatti vegetariani o vegani, cucina senza glutine e intolleranze alimentari, preferibilmente da indicare al momento della prenotazione della vacanza.
Il nostro hotel vi propone si dal buffet della colazione, prodotti adatti a chi presenta intolleranze alimentari, allergie ed include sempre prodotti per celiaci senza glutine, pane, torte e biscotti, latte di soia... Per una maggiore attenzione nei Vostri confronti, chiediamo di farci presente al momento della vostra prenotazione, se disponete di intolleranze alimentari o se desiderate prodotti senza glutine, così da farVi trovare quanti più prodotti... per il comfort quotidiano!

+ Dettagli
ristorante senza glutine intolleranze bibione hotel germania

First choice ingredients and quality products

Our cuisine is the pride of the Hotel Germania in Bibione.

Lunch and dinner always offer the choice between four first and four second courses of your choice with excellent meat or fish dishes, as well as a rich and varied buffet of appetizers and side dishes, fresh or cooked vegetables, different every day.

Our cuisine boasts decades of history and tradition, simple dishes of sea and land that for years reflects our passion and skill, transforming even simple raw materials into delicious dishes.

Our hospitality means that we are always available to our guests for the preparation of vegetarian or vegan dishes, gluten-free cooking and food intolerances, preferably to be indicated when booking the holiday.

Special menus for our little guests, our cooks are available to satisfy even the children, simple but always welcome dishes, a cutlet, chips and you can already see their smile ....

Of course, our availability in the kitchen, even for mothers who are struggling with the weaning of children ... pastries, rice creams, vegetable broths ... our goal is to make everyone's holiday pleasant and peaceful.